BIS # 2367 My Journey with the Lord on the Road to Calvary.


BIS Mumbai                                  



    My Journey with the Lord on the Road to Calvary.


Partick Corda


MUMBAI, APRIL 18, 2011: On April 16, 2011 almost 150 women from Vasai Koliwada, and Mulgaon parish along with Fr. Solomon and Fr. Baptist decided to walk with the Lord on the road to Calvary. The group reached Sawant Wadi, the road leading to Bosco Wadi, at 8.00 in the morning. They were welcomed by Fr. Bastin Thomas, Br. Richard Burkhao, and Br. Sachin.


The station of the cross then started right from the top of the mountain coming down to Bosco Wadi. It was an amazing scene to watch the women walk down in prayer and devotion. Every one wore a different traditional dress. While I was clicking a few photos, I heard a women say,   " I wonder how the Lord might have walked with the cross, how much pain he undertook for us." this bought a smile on my face and I knew that they were really participating in the service, I heard some say, " This is like our Journey on the Road to Calvary."


Among the women were a few school teachers and many elderly women. In-spite of their age their devotion was great. The moment we reached down every one was tired and just wanted to go and rest. A slide show on the Passion of Christ was then explained by Fr. Bastin. The Blessed Sacrament was then exposed. The sacrament of Reconciliation then followed. Many received the sacrament with joy. As soon as the confession was over, they all walked in a procession to the place where a Cross was placed. They were asked to nail their sins to the cross. Many wept at this point. The cross was carried by the ladies to the shore and I knew it wasn't easy because the cross was very heavy along with their sins nailed to it. Their sins were then removed by Fr. Bastin and Fr. Ashwin and burnt them and rolled them into the sea.


 Fr. Bastin explained about the Veil with the Face of Jesus printed on it. This souvenir was blessed and distributed to all as a remembrance of their Journey with the Lord. A vote of thanks was given by Fr. Solomon who said that this was something different that they all had come across. He thanked Fr. Anthony Santarita for organizing such a program and assured the community of his prayers. One of the teachers came forward and said, "From my childhood I have been attending a lot of Stations of the Cross service, but this time it was different. When I die, I would like that the same veil cover my face."


The program ended with a lunch appreciated by all. It was a day to remember.       






Don Bosco Provincial House,
Matunga, Mumbai - 400 019. INDIA