Matthew Coutinho sdb
MATUNGA, JUNE 21, 2008: Understanding the deliberations of the recently concluded GC 26 just got simpler thanks to the interesting presentation of the Chapter documents by Fr. Ivo Coelho on the second day of the Rectors’ Meeting, June 19. Summarizing in his inimitable style the five nuclei - “Return to Don Bosco, Urgent need for Evangelization, Need for Recruitment, Evangelical Poverty, New Frontiers” – Fr. Ivo carefully indicated issues which our province and our region can begin to work upon. He interspersed the presentation with some very interesting ‘asides’ that gave a glimpse of what went on beyond the walls of the “Aula Magna”. Ear-soothing Italian music and eye-catching pictures of Valdocco and the places of Don Bosco, of Naples and Capri, of some of our veterans like Fr. Moja and Fr. Casti, added to the ambience and made for a very interesting morning. Fr. Michael Fernandes, Provincial, with his periodic interventions pointed out other salient features of the chapter. One of those who participated in the dissemination summed up the general feeling when he said: “I am surprised at how practical and concrete this chapter’s deliberations are. No lengthy discourses or difficult arguments to comprehend. All we need to do is to renew our hearts with a passionate love for the young inspired by Christ and Don Bosco.” Soon after the session it was time to celebrate the presence of our very own Fr. Joaquim D’Souza who has been nominated Superior of the UPS, Rome. Our typical Salesian camaraderie and the great spread of food made it a very homely and enjoyable celebration. Celebrations had soon to be put aside as the next item on the agenda was taken up. The meeting of the commissions began at 2:30 pm and confreres from different communities who form part of the various commissions of the province were soon at work seriously listening to the reports of last year’s activities. Also present were representatives of the Cooperators and Past-pupils. The assembly was welcomed by Fr. Provincial who thanked those who had worked in the commissions last year and welcomed those who were being newly inducted into them. He urged the members to a ‘planning mentality’ for the year ahead with concrete lines of action that can be implemented and monitored. The reports gave us a glimpse of what had been achieved and what needed to be done. After the tea break it was times for each commission to meet, prepare plans and fix meetings for the coming year. For many of us it was the end of two hectic days of meetings. It is time to go back to our communities and take what has been discussed to the people who can really make things happen – our confreres. It is also time to dedicate ourselves anew to the people who make all our efforts worthwhile – the young people in our various settings. The words of our Rector Major pronounced when he convoked GC 26 sum it up beautifully: “Clothed by the power of the Spirit, may we find once again the necessary dynamism so that “da mihi animas, cetera tolle” become the soul of our mission among the young.”