William Falcao sdb SAVEDI, NOVEMBER 5, 2008: This year’s catechetical camp at Don Bosco Savedi, Ahmednagar, was held from 29th October to 2nd November 2008. The Salesian novices, as part of their experience, helped in organizing and conducting the camp. The camp was organized for the First Communion and Confirmation candidates, numbering a total of 100 children. The novices from the Konkan Province were acquainted with the Marathi language but for many of the novices it was a first hand experience of teaching and talking to the children in Marathi. The day usually began with prayer and yoga. Classes for the First Holy Communion candidates were taken by the novices. They taught the children prayers and its meaning and also introduced the children to the other aspects of faith. The Confirmation Classes were taken by Fr. Solomon, the Novice Master, Fr. Michael and other Catechists. There were games organized in the evenings as well as after supper. The camp concluded at 12:30 pm on 2nd November with a small felicitation programme prepared by the confirmation students.