James Chithambaram sdb NASHIK, JANUARY 23, 2008: It is happening and it’s all happening around us. Till now, more than twenty American banks have failed, countries GDP growth is slowing down, the stock market is low and the inflation rate is high, something which we find difficult to imagine. To create awareness of these problems, the Masters of Philosophy (MPh) students of Divyadaan, organized a symposium on Globalization and the Economic Meltdown, on January 19, 2009 in the Academic Block of Divyadaan. Before the symposium a lot of group study and research was done on the topic, with the entire theme being divided into three parts. The first part dealt with the history of Globalization and its impacts, the second with the analysis and the causes of this current financial meltdown and the third with the various responses at the international, national and the church levels to this problem. The symposium began with the opening prayer, after which Fr. Robert Pen, the coordinator of the M.Ph, welcomed the guests. The moderator then introduced the topic as well as the speakers to the audience. The three speakers of the day presented their papers along with apt PowerPoint presentations. After the presentations, it was the time for discussion and clarifications. The participants raised many pertinent questions which led to a lively and enlightening debate. The moderator finally concluded the symposium by summarizing the entire discussion.