Sapna George WADALA, FEBRUARY 20, 2009: It was an absolutely amazing moment as a galaxy of world renowned personalities graced the monthly mela at Shelter Don Bosco on February 19, 2009 – the Honourable Martin Luther King III and his distinguished wife Coretta, U.S. Counsel General Mr. Paul Folmsbee along with representatives from the U.S. Congress, jazz superstars Dee Dee Bridgewaters and George Duke, and the legendary musicians from the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz. These illustrious visitors went around the entire institution and spent quality time interacting with the children. They showed keen interest in all the programmes conducted by Shelter, especially the Udaan programme that focuses on careers for street children. Impressed by the functioning of Shelter, they congratulated the management and staff for their commitment towards this cause. Before leaving, George Duke and Dee Dee Bridgewaters sang “Ha Haaed and Ho Hooed the Kind of Blues”, which had the ecstatic children clapping and singing along. As they bid adieu to Shelter, they encouraged the children to “live your dreams”. “Yes we will”, promised the enthusiastic children..... yes, Shelter is certainly the place to realize your dreams!