Elias Diaz sdb MATUNGA, MARCH 28, 2009: The Don Bosco Alumni Mumbai Provincial Federation, together with the Andheri Unit, organized a Recollection Day on March 22, 2009 at St. Dominic Savio Boys Home. The Recollection was animated by Fr. Brian Moras and it was well attended by 28 members. The day began with the Eucharistic Celebration, the principal celebrant being Fr. Brian Moras. In his homily, he beautifully explained that “God Is Love” and He wants us to be ever happy. The sessions were then held in the A.V. Hall. The Provincial Delegate Fr. Elias Diaz welcomed the gathering and introduced Fr. Brian. The Provincial President Mr. Ketan Gala thanked the Andheri Unit for their help and support in organizing this event. This was followed by a Power Point presentation on “What a wonderful world this is”. Through this presentation, Fr. Brian explained that God’s creation is very beautiful, but we are often so caught up in our own problems that we don’t see the beauty around us. Next, there were two more inspiring presentations that helped the group reflect on the obstacles we face in life. We need to understand what exactly our problem is and then we can overcome it through our willpower and with help from God. Fr. Brian pointed out that “we should tell our problems how big our God is, rather than telling God our big our problems are.” This was followed by a group discussion on how to overcome problems and stress in life. The conclusion of the discussion was that we should identify the root cause of our problems, be honest about them, and then try out relevant solutions. The final presentation was on ‘Choices’. There are always two choices available in any given situation; it is for us to decide which choice to opt for to make our lives more meaningful and happy. The Recollection then came to a close with the vote of thanks proposed by the Andheri Unit President Mr. Remeth Fernandes.