MATUNGA, JUNE 25, 2009: The annual meeting of the Rectors and Leaders of Communities of the Mumbai Province began with a Eucharistic Celebration presided over by the Provincial Fr. Michael Fernandes at 9.00 am on June 24, 2009. During the Eucharist, Fr. Ajoy Fernandes, the new Vice Provincial, took the ‘oath of office’. During the first session of the morning, Fr. Michael focused on some of the key responsibilities of the leader of the community. Beginning with the area of Animation, the Provincial exhorted the Rectors to “Love your confreres”. The Rector should show concern for every individual in the community and help the entire community to grow in unity. On the issue of Administration, he reminded the Rectors that the Annual Budget as well as all financial accounts should be examined regularly by the house council. With regard to the Practical Trainees in the community, the Provincial asked the Rectors to “create a learning space for them”. He stressed that the Practical Trainees should be helped to reflect on their lives and be challenged to grow as mature Salesians. In the final section of his address he dealt with several practical province matters, including the different plans that we need to have in place. He also announced that this year on November 1, we will celebrate ‘Salesian Parents Day’ in Mumbai. In the second session, Fr. Elson Barretto, Economer, and his team dealt with a range of important financial issues concerning the province. This included the new request form for projects, clarifications on the annual budget, the Boscopac accounting system and details about auditing. The post-lunch session was dedicated to understanding the Development programmes underway in the province, especially the Rights Based Programmes that have been recently launched. Further, Fr. Godfrey D’Sa made a presentation on the Juvenile Justice Act and pointed out practical ways in which we could be involved in promoting the rights of children. The last session of the day saw a series of short presentations: Fr. Nelson Carvalho presented the ‘Policy for Protection of Minors’; Fr. Ashley Miranda spoke on the ‘Scrutiniums’; and finally Fr. Ajoy Fernandes took up the Province Calendar for discussion. The second day, June 25, began with a session on the care and follow up of the young Salesians. Fr. Solomon Rapol first made a presentation on Spiritual Direction, highlighting five key components in this field. He pointed out that “spiritual direction fosters, encourages and challenges a directee’s growth in the Christian life”. Next, Fr. Ashley Miranda spoke on the follow up of the Practical Trainees. He emphasized the fact that these young Salesians are the future of the province and hence ensuring their proper growth is critical. The second session of the morning took up for discussion the possible themes for Provincial Chapter 2010. After a lively discussion, chaired by Fr. Ashley Miranda, the Moderator of PC 2010, it was agreed that the Chapter would work on the Structural Plan for the Province. The members of the various Provincial Commissions then joined the meeting and participated in the final two sessions. These sessions were dedicated to the presentation of the reports by the Commissions. The two day meeting came to a close at 4.00 pm with a vote of thanks proposed by Fr. Ajoy. Later in the evening, at 6.30 pm, a memorial Mass was celebrated in the Shrine, to remember and pray for Fr. Giuseppe Moja who passed away on May 26, 2009 at Arese in Italy. Fr. Edwin D’Souza, Rector of Provincial House, was the principal celebrant. Rich tributes were paid to this great Salesian who worked in India for 75 long years.