Vinod Mascarenhas sdb
WADALA, AUGUST 20, 2010: The Church of Our Lady of Dolours, Wadala celebrated the Solemnity of the Assumption – and India’s Sixty Fourth Independence Day – with “Marian Moments 2010” for the Sunday school children of the Parish. This annual feature of fun, games and a quiz started at 3.30 p.m. on August 15, 2010 in the St Joseph’s School Hall.

The “Moments” began with the catechists forming the children into teams. The eight teams marched into the Hall, each striving to out-march the other. Fr Aloysius Furtado, the Rector and Parish Priest, lit the lamp and declared “Marian Moments” open.
There was something new in the annual feature and a surprise for the catechists – the organizers pulled them out of the teams, and formed them into a team of their own.

The children (and the organizers) had great fun solving crossword puzzles, decoding messages, composing a rhyme. The Marian Qs and As had everyone on the edge of their seats; and there were a few perfect scores. The children had done their homework!
“Marian Moments 2010” ended at 6.30 p.m. after each child received a prize for his/her presence and participation.

We thank Fr Edwin D’Souza, the Rector of the Shrine of Don Bosco’s Madonna, for sponsoring the prizes for the event. Our gratitude to Fr Aloysius Furtado and the Cultural Cell of the Parish… and the children for a delightful evening of “Marian Moments.” All those present went back with a wee bit more knowledge about Jesus and Mary.