Fr. Bento D’Souza and Fr. Michael Bansode sdb

BHINGAR, JUNE 28, 2011: A Maha- Aradhana was held in St. John the Baptist Church, Bhingar, on June 19 form 5.30to 8.30 pm. A large crowd attended this service. Under the experienced hand of the youthful Parish Priest, Fr. Michael Bansode, the youth group of the Parish made every effort to conduct an Adoration Service that was attended by all with rapt attention. The team made use of the multi media appropriately and the music ministry united and gave a power packed performance. The youth co-operated totally with the decision-making regards the program and the executing of it.
To adore means literally to kiss, and the crowd kissed the all pervading presence of the Lord in the Eucharistic Sacrament for three glorious hours.  This is the first time an event of such a magnitude and high standard is being held. This is the promise of more happenings to come. People appreciate this sort of events and responded totally to the movement of the purging Spirit, by weeping and committing their lives anew to their spiritual growth.
The highlight of the ceremony was frequenting the sacrament of reconciliation by a vast majority of the people.  This served a preview to the feast of St. John the Baptist and the launch of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Mission Ahmednagar, next Saturday.