KARJAT, DECEMBER 06, 2011: The Don Bosco Yuva Sanstha Karjat hosted a Leadership and Personality Development camp for the thirty five NSS (National Service Scheme) students of Don Bosco College of Hospitality Studies, Kurla from November 30, 2011 to December 3, 2011. This camp was coordinated by Mr. Royal D'Souza with the help of DBYS Karjat. It was basically a three day camp living out the theme 'Youth for Social Change and Self Development.' The goal of this camp was to set the minds and hearts of students on fire by motivating them to do team work and initiate them to be active leaders.
During these days of camp the students had sessions on Leaderships, Team Building, Personality Development, Time Management etc. There were activities such as yoga, meditation, trekking and learning to be eco-friendly. The students were also introduced to the spiritual exercises such as Labyrinth- A Spiritual Journey and i- River: A journey to Self Discovery. The students were very appreciative and benefited a lot from these exercises. On the final day, an outbound programme was conducted which consisted of events such as group bonding, team work, sharing and caring skills, learning to be sensitive to the other (nature as well as human beings) which was an outcome seen in the making of the tents.
At the end, when the students were asked about their stay here, they spoke positively about the place, the environment, the staff, the hospitality and made an appeal for their second coming. All this only puts together that the seed that has been sown here in Karjat surely will catch roots in their thinking and this seed will bear fruits.