BIS #2850 SCHOOL ELECTIONS 2012-2013

Cressieda Murzello
WADALA, MARCH 02, 2012: As the academic year draws to a close, it is election time once again for a new set of leaders to take charge for the coming scholastic year. The process began with the distribution of nomination forms to the students of Std. VIII and IX on February 15, 2012, and the filing of the nomination forms for scrutiny the following day.

Around thirteen candidates from each category that is VIII and IX were selected. From Std. VIII there were twelve candidates contesting for the post of Assistant Head Boy and eleven for the post of School House Vice-Captains. Likewise from Std. IX there were two contestants for the post of Head Boy and twelve for the post of School House Captains.

Each candidate selected an appropriate symbol of his choice and got cracking with the pr
eparation of his campaign speech. The stirring speeches of the contestants avowing commitment and service at the school assembly on February 27 generated passion and excitement among the students. The attractive charts prepared by the contestants with their symbols added that extra fillip to their passionate appeals. These charts were then displayed in the corridors of the school for the students to familiarize themselves with the contestants and their symbols.  Campaigning by the contestants continued right through the day, and they left no stone unturned to garner the maximum support.

The elections were slated for February 28, and as is the case with any elections, this day generated a great deal of enthusiasm. The staff and students voted for the leaders of their choice through a secret ballot system. Voting done, the ballot boxes were then collected and taken away for counting. A team of staff members and group of student observers assisted at the counting of votes. At the end of each round of counting, all waited with bated breath for the latest trends and the results.  The final results poured in at 3:10 p.m. and school witnessed and unprecedented uproar at the announcement of the results by the Principal:

Head Boy: Mehta Neel
Assistant Head Boy: Ramraje Sandesh
House Captains: Chotani Parth, Akshay Vasan, Doshi Nemish, Chheda Jay
House Vice-Captains: Patel Anuj, Mehta Yash, Jain Moksh, Faroodi Shahzad

Congratulations to our newly appointed leaders as also to all the contestants who had the gumption for a fight. The baton has been passed on to our new set of leaders, and we wish them the very best!