Oscar Lobo
PUNE, MARCH 13, 2012: The Youth Fest and Catechism day was celebrated on February 26, 2012 at Sacred Heart Parish, Pune.

There was a sizable turnout of young people to mark the Youth Fest held at Sacred Heart Parish. This was due to the untiring efforts of Fr. Gorge Miranda, assisted by Brothers Patrick and Ajay, who helped conduct various sessions. One of the parish choirs, the Shy Group led the praise and worship services, getting enthusiastic participation from the youth present. The day-long fest concluded with the Eucharistic celebration in the evening with Fr. Lazarus, youth director of Pune diocese, as the main celebrant.

A special day was organised for the children of the parish who attend Catechism classes. This event, also took place on February 26. The programme included Bible sessions, and quizzes on Bible-related topics.  The day started with Holy Mass at 9.30 am, and concluded with lunch for participants. More than anything else, the occasion served to say a big "Thank You" to all the teachers of the Catechism classes for their dedication all through the year.

Everything went off splendidly thanks to the arrangements made by Fr. Anthony Goyal.