by Tina Rosario

MATUNGA-MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 7, 2013: Media is one of the best ways of communicating with today's youth, films can be a medium to help the youth look into their past and reconnect with life. With this in mind Fr. Glenford Lowe and Fr. Cleophas Braganza of DBYS, Matunga conducted "Retreatainment" - a combination of Retreat & Entertainment.

The program was spread over two days - 2nd and 3rd of November 2013, screening four movies; each having a different theme. The movie "The Hunger Games" was a struggle for Bread and Life, "I Am Gabriel" depicted the Power of Prayer, "Amish Grace" showed that Forgiveness transcends Tragedy and "Unconditional" portrayed that Love overcomes all things. After each movie, the youth were asked to take a few minutes for personal reflection. Handouts containing the important elements of the story were distributed, to help them reflect on scenes from the movie which resembled instances in their own lives.  Bible passages were also read to help view their own lives from God's perspective.

The youth were divided into groups of six where they discussed their impressions about the movie and the way in which it resembled their own lives. One of them stated, 'This exercise helped us look back in our lives and recollect the moments when we had lost faith in God or we hadn't forgiven people. It helped us become aware of the mistakes we made in life'. The first day ended with Adoration, while the second day was concluded with the celebration of the Eucharist.

This program provided a platform for the youth to speak openly about their thoughts or about unhealed wounds of their past... things they've been trying to hide or ignore from a very long time. Another youth said, 'I felt an inner relief and peace after this frank and deep sharing, which helped me to get in touch with myself'. In conclusion she stated, 'Retreatainment helped us to look into our lives, begin healing wounds, and enabled us to make better choices for the future. It was a great experience for one and all'.