by Father Solomon Rapol

A session on scouting was conducted by Father Leon Rodrigues for nearly 40 boys at Bosco Boys Home in Borivli, on January 25. Group activities were conducted to illustrate the characteristics developed through scouting. The participants were also given an explanation of scouting and how it influences a scout's life.

Boys were divided in groups. The first activity involved each of the four groups keeping a balloon in the air and preventing it from touching the floor. This was to be done using only heads or by blowing air towards the balloon.

For the second activity, each group was given an envelope with several puzzle pieces in different shapes. Each group was required to put the puzzle pieces together correctly.

In the third activity, each group captain was given a sheet of paper which had geometrical figures on it. Members of each group had to listen carefully to their captain's instructions and accordingly draw the shapes on another sheet of paper. The challenge here arose because all groups were being given instructions simultaneously, and members had to pay close attention to only their captain's description.

Father Rodrigues explained what scouting was with several examples. "It involves learning in a natural, open-air environment through practical training and personal experiences. Learning occurs through fun, games and activities. Scouting is taught and practiced in over 200 countries around the world. It is voluntary, non political and educational in nature. 'Be Prepared' is the motto of every trained Scout." 

"Scouting prepares and educates the scout for challenges and prevents them from being taken by surprise. It can be considered as preparation for, as well as, a way of life," Father Rodrigues, said. 

The boys enjoyed the activities and actively participated in them. They co-operated with each other to achieve the goals of each task. Team spirit and competitiveness between groups was also present. They listened attentively to the information they were receiving.

Father Rodrigues ended the session by motivating the boys to prepare themselves for the upcoming Boscoree 2018.