Crescens Lemos sdb
MATUNGA, JUNE 18, 2008: Don Bosco Matunga swung back into action as school reopened on June 16, 2008. To begin on a good note, the management team Rector Fr. Jude D’Mello, Principal Fr. Crispino D’Souza and Vice Principal Fr. Roy Noronha had a meeting with the teaching staff. The Rector began with a prayer imploring the graces necessary to carry out God’s will in our work of educating the young entrusted to our care. Addressing the teachers, he reminded them of the important role they play in the lives of the students. Speaking on the topic of education, he based his insights on the Strenna of the previous two years which speaks on the love for life. He further used the analogy of the seed as a symbol of the life God has given us. The seed needs good soil to grow and the family is that good soil. Along with the good soil the seed also needs a good and a patient farmer. As educators we are called to be the patient farmer, who will help the student to grow into a good human being. Citing a few incidents from the life of Don Bosco, Fr. Jude stressed on three points
1. To have a positive attitude towards the students
2. Be patient and do not give up.
3. To realize that teachers are called to be mediators between parents and the students.
The Principal Fr. Crispino welcomed the management and the staff to this new academic year. He then announced the theme for the academic year 2008-09 as ”GROWTH”. Explaining the theme, he said that it is integral growth which is at the heart of the educational system of Don Bosco. It was then followed by a PowerPoint presentation on team work, featuring the ten commandments of team work. Earlier in the morning Fr. Crispino was interviewed live on Radio Mirchi and was asked to give a message to the students for this new academic year. Giving his message, he urged all students to begin working hard from day one itself.