Isaac Arackaparambil sdb
KAPADVANJ, JUNE 23, 2008: June 20, 2008 was a red letter day in the annals not just of Kapadvanj, not just of the Gujarat region, but of the whole province of Mumbai, because the Vocation Centre in this region which had for a while withered has a new shoot with 12 Aspirants to the Religious Life. What is consoling is that 10 of these boys are vocations gathered from our own institutions: 9 from Jyoti Bhavan Jabhua and 1 from Don Bosco Parish Baroda. Prior to the reopening of the vocation centre, a fourteen day vocation camp had been held here at Kapadvanj in the month of May which was attended by 24 boys. What added to the effectiveness of this camp was that a good number of confreres from the Gujarat-MP-Rajasthan region shared their experiences through Salesiana conferences, every evening of the camp. The evaluation from the boys at the end of the camp was very positive, and they stated that they were especially touched by the testimonies and experiences shared by so many confreres. Apart from the fact that the confreres extended their time and resources with a spirit of joy and generosity, the warm reception given by each house in this region during the Vocational tour around the Salesian Houses spoke volumes of how the region has owned up this vocation promotion venture.