VIRAR, JUNE 23, 2008: A Career Orientation programme was organized for the youth of our two parishes, Resurrection Parish, Virar East and Jyoti Mata Parish, Jyoti, on Friday, June 20. This programme, which was meant for the X and XII standard students, was also attended by youngsters from the neighbouring parishes. The sessions were conducted by Ms. Smita Naroji from the Disha Foundation. The first session, which was held at Jyoti, began at 2.00 pm and was attended by 35 students. Fr. Gregory D’Cunha welcomed Ms. Smita Naroji and the participants, and also thanked Mr. Melvin Pangya and Mr. Dayanand Patil from the Development Office who had helped in the arrangement of the programme. Ms. Naroji then gave a very informative and inspiring presentation on various possible career options. After the talk, the floor was opened to the participants for questions. The youngsters had a huge number of questions to ask which showed their keen interest in the topic. The second session of the day was held at Virar East. 25 students were present for this session. Here too the input given by the resource person was well appreciated by the participants. All those present affirmed that they had benefited much from this programme.
Gregory D’Cunha sdb