Loreen Fernandes
VIRAR, JUNE 25, 2008:
The parishioners of the Resurrection Parish, Virar East, were privileged to welcome their new Provincial, Fr. Michael Fernandes on Saturday June 21, 2008. Fr. Michael first addressed the Catechism students, challenging them to make a spiritual transition form being 'sail boats' (which are driven by wind) to 'motor boats' (which are self-driven). He exhorted them to generate power within themselves by developing a sense of responsibility, rather than just sailing along. The Provincial, thereafter, celebrated the Holy Eucharist, assisted by our Parish Priest, Fr. Blany Pinto, our assistant parish priest, Fr. Edwin Colaco, Priest-in-charge of Jyoti, Fr. Gregory D’Cunha and the assistant priest Fr. Bento D’Souza. Since it was the Laity Sunday, Fr. Michael emphasized the role of the laity in the Church and enlightened the people how they could serve the local Church. He offered them concrete suggestions of serving the Church by being altar-servers, lectors, catechism teachers, Eucharistic ministers, SCC leaders, etc. After the mass, Fr. Michael addressed the Parish Pastoral Council. In conclusion, Fr. Blany expressed his deep gratitude to the Provincial for providing additional priests this year at the Resurrection and Jyoti parishes.