KUWAIT, AUGUST 5, 2008: On August 3, 2008, Bishop Camillo Ballin of the Apostolic Vicariate of Kuwait officially entrusted the Parish of St. Therese (Little Flower of Jesus) to the pastoral care of the Salesians and appointed Fr. Tony D'Souza as the Parish Priest. The prayerful ceremony took place at 6.30 pm in the Church and was followed by Holy Mass concelebrated by Bishop Camillo together with Msgr. John representing the Vatican Ambassador, Fr. Anthony OCD, the Vicar General, Fr. Melwyn OCD Superior of the Carmelite community, Fr. Berchman OCD the outgoing Parish Priest, Fr. Thomas OCD Asst. Parish Priest, Fr. Lionel Braganza SDB and Fr. Tony D'Souza SDB. The multi-cultural community of parishioners, mainly hailing from India (especially Goans, Mangaloreans, Malayalees, Tamilians), Phillipines and Sri Lankans attended in large numbers, to offer their prayerful gratitude to Fr. Berchman and Fr. Thomas, and to invoke God's blessings on their new pastors, the Salesians. After the Eucharistic celebration, the Bishop thanked the Carmelites for their many years of dedicated service in this parish and expressed the hope that the S
alesians will be "Good Shepherds" by living out the charism of Don Bosco among the youth and people of Salmiya Parish and the Vicariate of Kuwait. There was brief farewell and felicitation programme after Holy Mass. Speaking on behalf of the Salesians presently involved in education ministry since the last 7 years, Fr. Tony thanked the Bishop for bringing in the Salesian community more actively into the pastoral ministry of the Vicariate and assured him the cooperation and commitment of the Salesians, now called to be "Pastors and Educators", both, in the parish and in the school.
Tony D’Souza sdb