KAWANT, AUGUST 5, 2008: The first training workshop of the year for teachers involved in the Village Education Programme (VEP) was held at Don Bosco Kawant on August 4. Ms. Jagruti Khaire, Coordinator of the Roshni Educational Project, Baroda, was the resource person for the day. She began by stressing the importance of primary education in the villages and how the lack of it leads to child labour and other social problems. She then went on to explain the Play Way method of education which is a unique system of getting the children to love and enjoy education. She also discussed practical aspects of the syllabus for Standards 1 to 4 and explained how locally available materials can be used as teaching aids to make the subject matter interesting and relevant to the children. A total of 24 teachers were present for this one day workshop. At the close of the programme, Br. Ramesh Durairaj thanked Ms. Jagruti and the participants for their keen interest in this educational project.
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