Avril Loknathan
VIRAR, AUGUST 12, 2008: The ‘Altar Servers Meet’ held at Resurrection Parish on August 10, began with the registration of the Altar Servers from the two parishes – Resurrection Parish, Virar East and Jyoti Parish, Virar West. After the registration was completed, the programme took off with a short prayer, followed by an ‘ice-breaker game’. Fr. Blany Pinto, Parish Priest, welcomed all the Altar Servers and encouraged them to actively participate in assisting at the altar. He also thanked the youth for organizing the event. Next, Fr. Edwin Colaco emphasized that every Altar Server must serve the Lord with gladness and he too expressed his appreciation to the youth for their help. The programme of the day was filled with games, songs and learning sessions. For the sessions, the participants were divided into three groups and each group was then train
ed in liturgical reading, altar serving and learning the names of the sacred articles used for the Eucharist. At the end of the day all the young apostles returned home having thoroughly enjoyed the programme. Thanks to Fr. Edwin Colaco and the parish youth for the effort they put in to make this a meaningful and memorable day for our Altar Servers.