Renvick Pereira sdb
NASHIK, AUGUST 16, 2008: There could be no better way to celebrate the feast of the Ass
umption and Independence Day than by staging a Musical based on the life of a man who created history and on whom stands the Church, the mother of our faith! This was exactly what the Salesians of Divyadaan did at Nashik. The musical “Fisher of Men” based on the life of St. Peter was something that captivated the young and the old alike. This musical was composed and written by Cl. Charles Anthony and was directed jointly by Cl. Joel D’Souza and Fr. Valerian Pereira. There was an audience of around 500 for the two shows on August 14 and 15. The musical was a blend of exceptional acting, lively dancing and foot tapping music. There was much appreciation for the stage setting and the costumes which brought to life the time of occurrence of the incidents. There were strong messages that touched the hearts of all. The crucifixions of Jesus and Peter, the healing of the lame man, the calling of Peter, the Last Supper, Peter’s persecutions in Rome and the trial of Peter were some of the highlights. Much credit must be given to the Brothers, who despite their academic studies, put in a lot of hard work to make this a brilliant performance. The musical was indeed a wonderful showcase of talent and determination.