Edwin Colaco sdb VIRAR, SEPTEMBER 16, 2008: The novena in preparation for the feast of Our Lady’s Nativity commenced on Saturday, August 30, in our parish. Each day,
children of the various Catechism classes led the entrance procession with lit lamps (diyas) in their hands, which were then arranged at the feet of Our Lady. Flower petals were showered on her by the congregation. The various titles bestowed by the Church on Our Lady, as recited in the Litany, were put up on the background of Our Lady’s Statue. As part of the spiritual preparations to commemorate St. Paul’s 2000 birth anniversary, our Parish Priest Fr. Blany Pinto explained in detail, the theology contained in St. Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians and Corinthians. Each day, thanks to the lucid explanations given by him, we grew in knowledge about the Pauline teachings and doctrines on fundamental issues like divorce, spiritual preparation before the Eucharist, eating food offered to idols etc. Each day of the Solemn Novena was a spiritually refreshing experience for us, especially for our children. The deep devotion of Parishioners to Our Lady was so overwhelmingly evident in the w
hole – hearted manner in which all participated. Food grains were also offered by parishioners each day of the novena, which were distributed to the economically needy families. The feast of the Nativity was solemnly celebrated with the Catechism teachers carrying the lit lamps and children sprinkling petals as Our Lady’s statue, resplendently clad, was led in procession through the Church. Snacks which were generously sponsored by parishioners were served after the Eucharist.