Denis Fernandes BORIVLI, SEPTEMBER 16, 2008: Eighty senior citizens of St John Bosco Parish gathered on the school grounds at 7.30 am on September 15, 2008 and were welcomed by Fr. Allwyn Misquitta, our Assistant Parish Priest. At 8.15 am, after Fr. Allwyn said a prayer invoking our Blessed Mother’s guidance and protection, the group left by the school busses for Mount Mary. Reciting the rosary and singing hymns all along the way we reached the Basilica at 10.00 am, well in time for the special mass for the sick and disabled which was to start at 11.00 am. Bishop Bosco Penha was the principal celebrant for the Eucharist and he was joined by Fr. Allwyn and four other priests f

rom the clergy home. In his homily, Bishop Bosco Penha stressed on the power God has given each one of us, the power to heal, not only ourselves but also others with our prayers. He also urged the thousands of aged and disabled people who were present, to pray for the various problems faced by our country, especially in Orissa. It was an enriching experience to visit Our Lady at the Basilica. Our hearts were filled with her blessings and peace as we returned back to our parish in Borivli.