Ranald Lopes sdb CHHOTA UDEPUR, SEPTEMBER 26, 2008: The special focus being put on the Self Help Groups sector in the Province this year has helped rekindle
enthusiasm in the SHG movement here at Chhota Udepur. Our staff returned with a host of new ideas from the training programme held at Jawahar last month. To ensure that the enthusiasm and ideas filter down to the SHGs, a training programme was held on September 23, for the Group leaders. A total of 81 members, including 17 women, attended the training. In the first place, the concept of a SHG and the important role it plays in the village was explained. Next, the responsibilities of the SHG leaders and also the qualities of a good leader were discussed. Practical issues such as how to maintain records, accounting systems, etc. were also treated. Matters concerning Panchayati Raj and how the SHGs should play a lead role in ensuring that this system of local self governance functions well, were discuss
ed in detail. An interesting highlight of the programme was a skit that brought to the fore the question: Are the villages ready to be transformed through women’s leadership? The participants found the entire day extremely enlightening. They realized that the SHG movement has much to offer their villages beyond just schemes for saving and loaning. The next training programme for the leaders has been scheduled for the first week of January. In the meantime they have a clear cut agenda before them – motivating their group members to take up the responsibility of spearheading the developmental processes in their villages.