Sophia Chettiar VIRAR, SEPTEMBER 27, 2008: Resurrection Parish, Virar, recently organized an Altar Servers Programme to further enthuse and animate the little kids of our parish who do us the valuable service of ser
ving at Mass. The day began with Cheryl and Avril registering the children for the programme by distributing ribbons to them and thus making them feel special. Then, Alex and Melissa led the opening prayer with the theme song. This was followed by an Action Song which swung all the kids into an exuberant mood. A training session was then conducted by Melvin, Roger, Jessica and Ria to teach the children the correct method of serving at Mass. The kids paid rapt attention, keen to learn all that was being taught, so that they do not make a mistake when they are at the altar. After this, Alex,
Sophie, Cheryl and Avril gave a demonstration on how to read during Mass. Their clear and expressive style of reading amazed the kids.After these sessions, it was once again fun time. The parish youth had some fabulous games lined up for the children, which they thoroughly enjoyed. The games were interspersed by a series of hilarious action songs led by Roger. The mouth watering snacks served at the end gave the perfect finishing touch to this splendid day!