Ranald Lopes sdb KAWANT, OCTOBER 1, 2008: The Salesians of the Gujarat Region met together on Saturday, September 27 at Kawant, for a ‘Tri-monthly Recollection’ preached by Fr. Steve Rodrigues. The theme for the day was: ‘Tradition, Adaptation and Renewal’. Setting his reflections on the background of GC 26, Fr. Steve spoke about returning to the source of our Tradition, namely, Don Bosco and his original charism. However, fidelity to tradition or to the charism does not imply a hard-headed rigidity. Adaptation and Renewal are a necessary prerequisite to offer relevant ministry. But the decision to change should not spring from concerns of convenience or comfort. “By choosing the line of least resistance, both, people and rivers become crooked” said Fr. Steve. During the day, time was also sent in sharing and reflecting together. The work done by the Salesians in this region during the past years and the results of the same, were candidly discussed. It was pointed out that merely comparing our work with that of others does not have value. We need to be clear about what we want to achieve and how we plan to do so. The passion and determination that characterizes the Gujarat Salesians was clearly visible throughout the discussions.