ANS News ROME, OCTOBER 25, 2008: Sister Yvonne Reungoat, formerly Vicar General is the new Superior General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. Elected yesterday morning during the XXII General Chapter which the Institute is holding in these days, Sister Yvonne was called to be the “Mother”, as art. 116 of the FMA Constitutions indicates,
“bond of communion and the centre of unity,” ensuring fidelity to the Salesian spiritual heritage, attentive to the needs of the Church, an animator according to the spirit of Mornese. On October 24 morning, a day in Salesian tradition dedicated to Mary Help of Christians, Fr Pascual Chávez presided at a Mass of the Holy Spirit. With him were Fr Adriano Bregolin, Vicar of the Rector Major and in the Congregation responsible for the Salesian Family and Fr Fabio Attard, Councillor for Youth Ministry. In his homily Fr Chávez invited the Sisters, through the intercession of the Holy Spirit to adopt three attitudes: that of illumination, “to know how to discover who is the chosen one of the Lord to lead the
Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians”; that of freedom of spirit, to know how to act in seeking the will of God; and that of openness of heart, “to know how to accept with faith and love the one who will be given to the Institute.” He then continued commenting on article 116 of the FMA Constitutions, listing the various features that characterize the service of authority in the perspective of religious life. Mother Yvonne Reungoat, who will guide the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians for the six year period 2008-2014, succeeds Mother Antonia Colombo to whom the Rector Major addressed special words of thanks during his homily “for her careful and caring guidance and for her clear ‘leadership’ during this past six-year period and during this General Chapter.”