Ranald Lopes sdb CHHOTA UDEPUR, NOVEMBER 14, 2008: With ‘Human Rights’ presently being the buzzword across the Salesian world and the ‘Rights Based Approach’ to development work being accorded a high priority, the Salesians of the Gujarat Region are certainly in
the thick of the action. Working through Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and especially through the Gram Sabha has been singled out as a key strategy for our development programmes in this region. In this context, a one day Workshop on ‘Panchayati Raj and the Role of the Gram Sabha’ was organized at Chhota Udepur on Wednesday, November 12. A total of 40 Salesians and Social Work Staff attended this Workshop that began at 10.00 am and concluded at 5.00 pm. The resource person for the day was the well known High Court Advocate and Social Activist, Mr. Himanshu Banker. The objective of the Workshop was to gain a comprehensive understanding of the role played by the Gram Sabha in local governance and also to arrive at practical strategies to activate the Gram Sabha in the villages. In the first session Mr. Banker presented a complete overv
iew of the Panchayati Raj system, and explained the role and responsibilities of each of the PRIs. The second session was dedicated to the issue of Gram Sabhas and especially to understanding the various powers vested in this body. In the session after lunch Mr. Banker gave a detailed presentation on the special powers given to the Gram Sabhas in tribal areas. The final session of the day was devoted to working out practical strategies for reviving the Gram Sabha in the villages where we work. The session concluded with the drawing up of a three month schedule to achieve these objectives. The Workshop generated much enthusiasm among those present and helped give a definite direction to our future work.