Bento D’Souza sdb JYOTI, DECEMBER 18, 2008: The CRI Vasai Unit organized Advent Recollections for the three zones of Papdy, Nirmal and Nandakal. The Recollection for the Nirmal zone was held on December 9, from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm, and was facilitated by Sr. Neelima fma. This Recollection, which was hosted at the Holy Cross Convent, Nanbhat, was attended by 22 religious. On December 14, Fr. Bento D’Souza animated the ‘Advent Participatory Recollection’ at St. Theresa’s Convent, Agassi, for the Nandakal zone. Several persons were involved in the preparation for this occasion – Sr. Valeria, Superior of the Queen of Apostles Convent saw to the hosting of the event, the Jyoti Animation Centre attended to the organizational aspects, and Fr. Blany Pinto personally ensured that the information about the Recollection reached every corner of the Deanery from Nandakal to Rajodi. A total of 30 religious took part in this Recollection which commenced at 4.00 pm and concluded at 7.00 pm. In the first part of the programme different persons shared their thoughts. The speakers included Sr. Anandi, Fr. Jegaraj, Sr. Deepti and Sr. Resi. This was followed by a well prepared Community Rite of Recollection animated by the St. Theresa’s Hospital community. The climax of the entire experience was a group activity based on Jurgen Moltman’s Theology of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. The group paintings that emerged from this activity will be exhibited at the annual CRI meeting. These pictures give a good indication of how religious view reality. The Papdy zone also had its Recollection on December 14. It was held at St. Augustine’s School, Barampur. Religious from Naigaon, Sandor, Giriz, Gokhiware, Manickpur and Ambadi Road attended this programme.