Michael Fernandes sdb ROME, DECEMBER 20, 2008: The course for the new provincials began on December 7 evening with the solemn vespers of the feast of the Immaculate Conception. We are 11 provincials attending the course and two of us are from India – Fr. Thomas Ellicherail and me. On the very first day, the Vicar General told us that it is
not a ‘course’, strictly speaking, but an experience of living and interacting with the General Council. And that is what it has been all these days. We pray with the General Council, are animated by them, interact with them and share meals with them in their refectory. Each day one of us provincials is assigned to animate the liturgy while one of the Council members presides over the mass and breaks the Word for us. Every evening different provincials are given time to make a presentation on their provinces. We are also given an opportunity to have a personal meeting with the General Council members in the evenings. During the day each council member who is in charge of a Department is given time to share with us how his Department functions. They normally get their team with them and each member shares what sector he is handling in the Department. They also share their six year plan and what is expected of the provincials by way of animation. For two days they called in experts from the managerial field to give us some inputs on management of resources. This is also due to the fact that the General Council is in session and so they get some time to have their meetings. During this session the Council has already appointed two new provincials – New Delhi and Bangalore – and three more are awaited, two for the US and one for Japan.
The 'Goodnights' are given by the Regional Superiors who have just returned from their first visit to the regions. Naturally, they present some statistics about how many provinces they are in-charge of, the various types of works, the number of confreres, the novices, average age of the confreres and the departures. It is encouraging to note that the South Asian Region is the most promising. The Regionals also presented their six year plans for the regions with its priorities. On the 13th Saturday we had a day of recollection preached by the Rector Major. He spoke to us on the theme of ‘Person and Life’, focusing on the importance of spiritual life in the province. In the afternoon we got a chance to visit the chapel of Redemptioris Mater at the Vatican. It is a really beautiful chapel done in mosaic by a Jesuit who got it ready for the jubilee year 2000 and gifted it to Pope John Paul II in the 22nd year of his pontificate. It depicts the whole story of salvation on its walls and ceiling. The big event today is the birthday of the Rector Major. I will certainly convey to him the wishes of the entire Mumbai Province.
The 'Goodnights' are given by the Regional Superiors who have just returned from their first visit to the regions. Naturally, they present some statistics about how many provinces they are in-charge of, the various types of works, the number of confreres, the novices, average age of the confreres and the departures. It is encouraging to note that the South Asian Region is the most promising. The Regionals also presented their six year plans for the regions with its priorities. On the 13th Saturday we had a day of recollection preached by the Rector Major. He spoke to us on the theme of ‘Person and Life’, focusing on the importance of spiritual life in the province. In the afternoon we got a chance to visit the chapel of Redemptioris Mater at the Vatican. It is a really beautiful chapel done in mosaic by a Jesuit who got it ready for the jubilee year 2000 and gifted it to Pope John Paul II in the 22nd year of his pontificate. It depicts the whole story of salvation on its walls and ceiling. The big event today is the birthday of the Rector Major. I will certainly convey to him the wishes of the entire Mumbai Province.