Elson Barretto sdb CHHOTA UDEPUR, DECEMBER 27, 2008:
Over the past three decades he has become synonymous with Don Bosco in Chhota Udepur. A tall, distinguished looking gentleman, with a calm look and a gentle smile on his face… notebook in hand, he has traversed many a village in Rathwaland. The villagers have always held him in high respect, reverently referring to him as ‘Sir’. On Christmas day, Don Bosco Chhota bade farewell to ‘Gindu Sir’, who has served this institution ever since its inception. At a simple yet solemn function, the Salesians, staff, students, past pupils and villagers expressed their gratitude to Gindu Rathwa who has played many different roles during his long tenure at Don Bosco – he has been boarding master, catechist, development worker, VEP teacher, animator and skills trainer. But he will probably be best remembered for having taught many a child the 3 R’s. When he began teaching children in the villages, in some of those places there was not a single literate person – today those same villages can boast of graduates and post-graduates! During the felicitation programme,
Vechta Rathwa who is presently a lecturer in a B.Ed. College, recounted how Gindu was instrumental in laying a firm foundation in his life. In an emotional speech, he said: “Today if I am educated, if I am a lecturer, if I can stand tall in society, it is thanks to Gindu Sir”. Several others, including the Rector, staff members and villagers expressed words of thanks and appreciation to this simple, unassuming man who has touched the lives of many. We gratefully salute him for his long years of commitment and dedicated service. As Gindu goes into retirement, another chapter closes at Chhota – a chapter that can aptly be titled, ‘To Sir, With Love’.