Edwin Colaco sdb VIRAR, JANUARY 2, 2009: It was a wonderful morning on December 27, when the children from Resurrection Parish along with the Youth Group gathered around the Christmas tree to spread the Christmas message of joy and good will. The youth had planned a ‘reach out programme’ towards the economically poor as well as the other children of the parish. They provided them with gifts and food bags from their very own youth fund. The programmed began with a short prayer. Our Parish Priest, Fr. Blany Pinto, then gave a Christmas message to all present. He also praised the youth for this act of love during the Christmas season. Next, there were action songs and games which the children greatly enjoyed. The appearance of Santa further added cheer to the occasion. Our congratulations to the youth, and especially to the Social Awareness Committee, who planned the entire programme. In reaching out to others, especially the underprivileged, we have discovered the true meaning of Christmas.