Crescens Lemos sdb MATUNGA, FEBRUARY 1, 2009: To state that Don Bosco is one of the most popular saints in Mumbai is no exaggeration and this was clearly visible as thousands of people made their way to Matunga to celebrate the feast of this muc
h loved saint on January 31. Right from the 6.00 am Mass, all the Masses in the Shrine of Don Bosco's Madonna, Matunga, saw a large number of devotees fervently celebrating the feast of this great patron of youth. The solemn festive Mass was held at 6.30 pm on the Shrine grounds with Cardinal Oswald Gracias as the principal celebrant. He was joined at the altar by the Provincial Fr. Michael Fernandes, Rector of the Shrine Fr. Edwin D’Souza, and several other Salesians. The entire Eucharistic celebration had a very lively touch with the boarders of Don Bosco, Matunga, animating the occasion. In his homily, Cardinal Gracias called on the devotees to emulate the virtues of Don Bosco, especially his kindness and eagerness to serve the underprivileged. He also emphasized the importance of family life and the fact that the family is the cradle where these virtues should be nurtured and developed. Pro
posing the vote of thanks at the end of the Eucharist, Fr. Edwin D’Souza thanked Cardinal Gracias for his presence on this festive occasion, and pointed out that this was the first occasion at the Shrine over which he was presiding after becoming Cardinal. He also thanked the huge number of devotees present and assured them that in Don Bosco they had a good friend and a powerful intercessor. Before the conclusion of the Mass, Fr. Michael Fernandes released the music edition of the hymnal ‘Pray Sing’, published by Tej-Prasarini Don Bosco Communications. Introducing the book, Fr. Joaquim Fernandes, Director of Tej-Prasarini, said that getting this book ready had been a mammoth task that took 3 years and involved
over 80 persons. Speaking next, Fr. Blany Pinto, who coordinated the entire project of getting this music manual ready, pointed out that this book would be extremely useful to choir masters, musicians and all others involved in church music. The festive celebration concluded with the traditional procession to the Shrine of Don Bosco’s Madonna.