Mayank Parmar sdb NARUKOT, FEBRUARY 5, 2009: Don Bosco Narukot recently organized a one month Agricultural Skills Development Programme at Tanakhala. Twenty-five youth from different villages took p
art in this residential course. A variety of topics were dealt with during the month, such as soil conditions, water management, crop rotation, pest control and post harvest management. The participants were also introduced to new ideas like organic farming and vermiculture. Several experts in the field of agriculture conducted these sessions which were well appreciated by the participants. Besides the inputs on agriculture, additional inputs on Life Skills, Panchayati Raj and Government Schemes were also given to the youth. The participating youngsters found these topics extremely relevant to their actual situation in the villages and were grateful for the valuable knowledge they gained. They are now back in their villages and are eagerly putting into practice all the training they received.