Joaquim Fernandes sdb MUMBAI, FEBRUARY 24, 2009: The Sixth National Assembly of Signis India, the association for Christian communication, was held at Navasadhana, Varanasi, February 13-17. About 90 delegates from different
parts of the country attended the assembly which dealt with the theme 'Spirituality and Religion - a Media Perspective'. Swami Schidananda Bharati who heads the Dharma Bharati Ashram and promoter of a movement for national regeneration, in his keynote address spoke of the need to work together for promoting a culture of peace. He stressed the need for religious leaders and communicators to have a more inclusive vision and a common goal for India and the world at large. The inaugural Eucharist was presided over by Bishop Patrick D’Souza, Bishop Emeritus of Varanasi. Bishop Thomas Thurutimattom of Gorakpur in his homily spoke of the need to be united and fearless in the media ministry. He recalled the message of Pope Benedict XVI and exhorted Signis members to take media seriously and with a sense of mission. Former Professor of IIT and activist Ram Punyani highlighted how fundamentalist ideologies had high jacked the national ethos and unleashed hate campaign and violence in the country. He said people in India are deeply religious but religion is being grossly misused by religious leaders for political gain. Others who spoke during the convention include Fr. Lancy Lobo SJ, Fr. Anil Dev IMS, Mr.A mitabh Bhattacharya, Chief Editor, Northern Patrika, Prof. Geshe N. Samten, Vice Chancellor of Central Tibetan University, Sarnath, Fr. George Plathottam sdb, Executive Secretary, CBCI Commission for Social Communications, Dr. Magim
ai Pragasam, Media activist and trainer, Fr. Anand Muttungal, Spokesperson, Madhya Pradesh Bishops’ Council. The last two days of the programme were devoted to business sessions, which included reports of the regions, address by the World Signis President Augustine Lorthusamy and other official matters. Fr. Joaquim Fernandes, Director of Tej-Prasarini presented the Pray Sing (Music and Words edition Vol I) hymns for liturgical and paraliturgical services to Fr. Rappai Poothokaren the president of Signis India and to Fr George Plathottam secretary of CBCI department of Social Communications.