Chris Valentino sdb LONAVLA, FEBRUARY 28, 2009: It was Carnival time all over the globe with everyone busy celebrating life, before ushering in the season of Lent. A different type of Carnival unfolded itself in the Western ghats of Maharashtra when 28 Salesian Cooperators belonging to the four units of Madhya Maharashtra met at the hill-top Salesian Residence of Don Bosco Lonavla on February 23, 2009. The day of togetherness and fellowship, commenced with words of w
elcome and a floral presentation to Fr. Elias Diaz, Mumbai Provincial Delegate of the Salesian Family. The Animators of the four Cooperator units – Sr. Rita, animator of the Savedi Unit, Ahmednagar, Fr. Francis Kharjia, animator of the Yerwada Unit, Fr. Wilfred D’Souza, animator of the Koregaon Park Unit and Fr. Thomas D’Costa, animator of the Lonavla Unit – were also felicitated. The morning session was animated by Fr Wilfred D’Souza who made a systematic presentation on the ‘Common Mission Statement of the Salesian Family.’ He dwelt on four significant points of relevance to the Cooperators. Fr Wilfred reflected on the Vocation of a Cooperator, Evangelization, Sharing of God-experience and Collaboration. He also emphasized the autonomous functioning of each unit with creative initiatives in consultation with their Salesian animators. This was followed by an hour-long Group Discussion. A sumptuous lunch break paved the way for the afternoon session where Fr Diaz enlightened the members on the forthcoming Cooperator’s Congress to be held in Chennai during the month of April 2009. Summing up this celebrative gathering, one of the Cooperators remarked with great enthusiasm: “It is always good and rejuvenating to gather together with one’s family and relations.” The Cooperators having shared their experiences, returned back with added joy, contentment and cheer to continue the good apostolate in their own places. Truly this ‘Carnival’ of different sorts will definitely go a long way in strengthening, building and rejuvenating the units of Madhya Maharashtra. Jai Ho!