Crescens Lemos sdb MUMBAI, MARCH 9, 2009: As slogans of “mahila shakti” rend the air, it was clear that a new chapter had begun in the ever evolving history of the Don Bosco Matunga campus. Over 600 women, all belonging to Self Help Groups from the slum c
ommunities of Antop Hill, Wadala, Matunga, Mahim, Dharavi, and from the villages of Virar and Naigaon, gathered at Matunga on Sunday, March 8, for the celebration of International Women’s Day. Through the decades, this campus has witnessed many a gathering and a variety of celebrations – but this was the first time ever that a Women’s Day celebration was being organized here! The programme began at 3.00 pm with a traditional prayer dance and the lighting of the lamp. Ms. Surekha Pednekar, Development Of
fice staff, warmly welcomed the entire gathering, after which bouquets were presented to the dignitaries. Addressing the women, Fr. Edwin D’Souza, Rector of Provincial House and Chief Guest for the occasion, said that he was delighted that the various women’s groups promoted by Don Bosco in the city of Mumbai had come together to celebrate Women’s Day at Matunga. He expressed his hope that future Women’s Day celebrations would see the Matunga grounds filled with women. He also encouraged the women to keep striving for the development of their own communities. Speaking next, Fr. Anaclete D’Mello focused on the power inherent in women’s groups. He pointed out that women are keenly sensitive to the needs and problems of the community, and most often it is they who have the courage and the creativity to look for
solutions. Coming together in groups and building up movements strengthens their resolve and capacity to tackle different socio-economic issues. Mr. Dhage, BMC Community Development Officer, who was present for the occasion also addressed the gathering. Till a few year back, Women’s Day was almost unknown in this city, he said. However, following the rapid growth of women’s groups during these past years, celebrating Women’s Day has now become a major ann
ual feature. He encouraged the women to take advantage of the various government schemes that are available. The cultural programme then began with a powerful skit on the theme of unity. Following this, several Groups came up on the stage to present their items which included songs, dances and skits. Finally, a short dance session was held which saw all the women dancing away cheerfully. The celebrations concluded at 6.00 pm with a vote of thanks by one of the Group leaders. Earlier, during the morning, some of the Groups had put up stalls to sell their home made products like handicrafts, soft toys, pickles, phenyl, etc. The entire day was certainly a grand celebration of “mahila shakti”!