Mayank Parmar sdb NARUKOT, MARCH 12, 2009: Rather than organizing Women’s Day celebrations at Narukot itself, this year we decided to
join the Mahila Samelan organized by Jagruti Kendra at Gunetha in the Narmada District. Accordingly, on March 8, 35 women from 10 of the Narukot villages, 3 village elders and 6 staff members attended the Samelan. About 400 women from 84 different Self Help Groups participated in this programme. The Chief Guest for the Samelan was Mr. Bhanubhai Tadvi, Convener of the Gujarat State Adivasi Mahasabha. He spoke at length about the Forest Act 2005 and explained to the women that they should demand for their rights which are guarantied by this act. Fr. Mayank Parmar also addressed the gathering and told the women that they should keep moving ahead with determination and courage. Speaking n
ext, Mr. Subash Shirsath dealt with issues connected to the Panchayati Raj and detailed how this system of local governance could be effectively used by the women. After the speeches the women had time to express themselves through song and dance. The Samelan concluded on a note of determination with the women resolving to come together as a federation of SHGs and take their struggles forward through this common platform.