Vinod Mascarenhas sdb NASHIK, MAY 25, 2009: On the Solemnity of the Ascension, May 24, thirteen young men made their First Religious Profession in the Society of St Francis de Sales at 6.30 pm in the Don Bosco Parish Church, Nashik. Eight belong to the Mumbai Province and five to the Konkan Province. Fr Michael Fernandes, Provincial, presided at the solemn and well-animated Eucharist; with seventeen other priests concelebrating. In his homily, the Provincial spoke on the theme the newly professed had chosen: “Called to Love – Called to Holiness.” He reminded them that, for us, holiness lies in fidelity to the vows and our duty. This is not always easy, but the Lord assures us of his constant presence by our side and the assistance of the Holy Spirit. After the homily, the thirteen young men professed the vows; they were given the cassock and the book of the Constitutions and Regulations. Following the Eucharist, there was a short felicitation and thanksgiving programme at the Novitiate. The newly professed expressed their gratitude to the Provincial and the formation staff. On the same day, seventeen new novices joined the novitiate in Nashik. At simple but solemn ceremony held in the novitiate chapel, Fr Michael Fernandes officially entrusted the new novices to the Novice Master, Fr Solomon Rapol. In his brief homily before the entrustment, the Provincial exhorted the novices to be totally open to their Novice Master and place all their trust in him. Our hearty congratulations to the new Salesians and the new novices!