MUMBAI, JUNE 11, 2009: The 9th of June served as another break through for the Young at Risk (YAR) National Team. The team was invited by the Government of Maharashtra and UNICEF to Mumbai to present the know-how of the Homelink Network of Child Management Informa
tion System and Services (C-MISS). Besides the National Team, which included Fr. Joe Prabhu, National Director of Homelink, Fr. George Kollashany, Dn. Thomas Aquinas and Mr. Ashok Reddy; Fr. William Falcao, Rector Shelter Don Bosco, Mumbai and Fr. Roger Jones, Hub Director for Mumbai were present for the meeting. The meet was held at the YMCA building, Mumbai Central. In attendance for the meet were various Government of Maharashtra officials from the department of Women and Child Development, UNICEF officials and representatives of other NGOs including TISS and Little More Care Foundation. The meet kick started with the welcome and a brief opening address by Mrs. Vijayalaxmi from UNICEF. The primary focus of the meet was how the Homelink Network has a child centred approach and how the Homelink Software can be developed for protection of child rights.

The o
pening address was followed by a presentation on the nature of Management Information System and Services (MISS) made by Fr. Joe Prabu. To start off with Fr. Joe provided the attendees with basic facts and figures of children and the situation of child labour in India. The vision of creating a child friendly society was very effectively explained by Fr. Joe. The presentation further spoke about the mission, focus and aims of the MISS. He also stressed on the objectives which included establishing and monitoring the interventions of the Child Safety Net and bringing together and synergizing all related stake holders. The presentation was highly appreciated by all present. Dn. Thomas Aquinas’ presentation on the technical aspects of Homelink followed. It focused on two essential parts. First being the Homelink Child Tracking System and second Homelink Networking System. This presentation easily beamed with efforts put in by the team as it brought to light all the nitty gritty details of the technical aspect. From showing the Basic Information Entry Screen and Search Process Demo the power point dealt with even the collection of data after counselling and observation of the child. An interesting aspect of the presentation was the present achievements given in statistics and figures. As Mrs. Vijayalaxmi rightly put it, it covered the A-Z aspects of Homelink. An open forum of discussions followed wherein the questions of protecting the confidentiality of the child, making the MIS effective in rural areas and linking the JJ system with civil social groups were dealt with. Post lunch Fr. George Kollashany shared his experiences with regard to Homelink in Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh. With his highly informative talk Fr. Kollashany clarified the questions of who actually owns the information and who can actually use it. He brought to light the whole purpose of the Homelink by explaining how the Matrix develops into Information, Information is processed as Knowledge and how Knowledge leads to Policy making and then leads to Structures and Systems. Mr. Ashok Reddy very systematically rounded up the meet with his presentation on the Progress and Development of the MIS. The presentation very well dealt with how various stake holders can actively participate through the site. Once again a brain storming session followed. This time the focus was on how the MIS can be lin
ked with the different systems available at the national level. In the end Mrs. Vijayalaxmi gave an overview of the meet and profusely thanked the YAR and Don Bosco team on behalf of the Government of Maharashtra and UNICEF. Suggestions of follow ups, visiting the hubs and nodes and developmental work came from the side of the invitees. Surely this meet has marked the beginning of a new venture for teams involved with Homelink and has given food for thought to government officials and other NGOs. The meet ended on a highly motivational note and the impeccable presentations had left all present with an indelible mark.