Ms. Sarita Rego and Ms. Lynette Sequeira MUMBAI, JUNE 20, 2009: June 17 will be a memorable day for the elected Office Bearers of the Student Council for the year 2009-2010 at Don Bosco, Borivli as on this day they were invested with the symbols of their leadership at the Investiture Ceremony.The ceremony began with a short prayer by our staff member. Fr. Allwyn Misquitta, our Administrator apprised the Stude
nt Council of their duties and responsibilities. Fr. George Carlos, our Principal wished them all the very best for setting high standards for their fellow classmates and to work towards the goal of maintaining discipline in school.The staff and students also cheered and welcomed the elected Office Bearers as they received their ties, sashes and ampulets from Fr. Allwyn.The council members took a pledge that they would always strive to fulfill their responsibilities and help the teachers and the management in the smooth functioning of the school activities. We congratulate our new Office Bearers and wish them the very best.