Kiran Salve sdb LONAVLA, JUNE 22, 2009: In line with the Vatican’s happenings i.e. the Inauguration of the ‘Year of the Priest’ by Pope Benedict XVI, Don Bosco, Lonavla too inaugurated the ‘Week of the Priest’ on June 19, 2009 by praying the animated Rosary organized by the aspirants in vernacular languages like Latin, Gujarati, Marathi, Konkani and English. The life story of St. John Marie Vianney the patron of priests was read followed by the Litany of the Sacred Heart. The group decided on a resolution; TO AVAIL OF THE BLESSING FROM THE PRIEST BEFORE BEGINNING THE DAY for the year, after which Fr. Rector gave a Good Night thought. This week will be lined up of activities for priests and for the aspirants too, to mention a few are interviews of the priests of the community, games and many more events. Both, the Priests and the boys are awaiting a fun filled week ahead.