Loreen Fernandes VIRAR, JUNE 24, 2009: Small Christian Community Coordinators and animators of the Resurrection Church, Virar had a short training session on Sunday, June 21, 2009. Our Parish Priest warmly welcomed the 38 participants and proceeded to explain the church procedure needed for conferring the various sacraments. Leaders of the communities and the animators who assist them were encouraged to maintain community-related data systematically.Our project coordinator for SCC’s Dona Prabhune then conducted a lively session on listening skills. An effective animator has to be a good listener – totally in sync with the needs of his/her community members.Fr. Blany shared that the youth and the SCC of the previous years were given maximum attention, this year the accent would be laid on children (catechism classes and altar servers) and the senior citizens. He then went on to emphasize that as leaders they needed to have a vision for the community. This vision must be based on the principles of the Gospel and should meet the needs of the people. Based on this vision, the leaders were exhorted to prepare a plan for their respective communities for the coming year. All the leaders then submitted the plan for their respective communities – spiritual, cultural, social and formative programme. Fr. Edwin Colaco assisted each of the communities in preparing the plan.The day ended with Fr. Blany thanking Dona for conduction the session and the leaders due to whom the communities are flourishing. Fr. Blany made a special mention of Fr. Edwin and thanked him profusely whose tireless effort in injecting life in the communities has borne fruit.