Claudina Pinto MUMBAI, JUNE 29, 2009: The Annual General Body Meeting of the Salesian Cooperators of the Mumbai Province was
held on June 28, 2009 in the AV hall at the Provincial House, Mumbai.53 Cooperators from all over Mumbai were present for the same. The meeting started with a con-celebrated mass. The main celebrant was Reverend Fr. Provincial Michael Fernandes. In his homily he spoke on laity and their rightful place and functions in the church. He mentioned that there are two states in the church: Clerical state and Lay state. Further he explained these states. They have fundamental equality but functional inequality. We can see in the church as Pyramidical Structure or Collaborative Structure. In the Collaborative Structure there is lot of scope for the Laity in the Church. He encouraged the co operators to collaborate in the activities of the church.After the mass Fr. Eliaz Dias in his power point presentation explained the identity of the cooperators, their history and the different activities of the co operatives in the province of Mumbai. Minutes of the previous AGM and the activities of the co operators were read out by Mrs. Philomena Mendes. Mr.
Christopher Gomes read out the statement of accounts for the year 2008-09. With some clarifications the accounts were passed. Fr. Eliaz Dias appraised the co operators about the forth coming activities in the province which would include seminars, recollections, picnics, retreats, out reach programmes and joint meetings of the Salesian Family. He invited the co operators to take active part in the programmes organized for the Salesian Family this year.Mrs. Claudina Pinto proposed the Vote of Thanks. She thanked Fr. Provincial for celebrating mass, Fr. Dias and Sr. Phyllis Fernandes fma, for their encouragement and all the co operators for their presence. The meeting ended at 7. 30 p.m.