Mayank Parmar sdb KAPADVANJ, JUNE 29, 2009: A week ago our social worker visited Ambalyara village with regard to NREGS work. He got in touch with the Talati and gave him a description about the work our organization intends doing in their village. He also met the Programme Officer in the Taluka and informed him about the social work he has started in Anklay village. Anklay Village comes under Ambalyara Gram Panchayat which also includes the villages of Gadiyara, Anklay, Venipur and Tanthdi.After informing the Talati that they wanted to work, the villagers of Anklay began work at a site shown by the Talati himself. In the meeting conducted by Fr. Mayank Parmar and Nikunj Parmar, the Project coordinator on June 26, 2008; Fr. Mayank explained to the villagers about the NREGS and
about the importance of maintaining a register. About 46 households are working under the NREGS scheme. Work is now in progress on a Khet Talavdi. After the intervention of both Fr. Mayank and Nikunj the people seem to be more united and hope to get their full wages.Further, Dristi, the training centre at Kapadvanj, organized a training programme for the leaders of the Self Help Groups on June 27, 2009. The training included topics on leadership, NREGS and introduction to the Gram Sabha. The resource people were Fr. Mayank Parmar, Nikunj Parmar and Mr. Sanjay. The programme was enhanced through various g
ames, power point presentations and video clippings. 25 women participated in the full day workshop. With due permission from the Talati, door to door visits were made at Gadiyara village, to explain to the people about NREGS and Job Cards. A survey of the entire village was conducted where information of each household was collected, especially with regard to how many people were interested in getting work under the NREGS. The list was handed over to Programme Officer for follow up with the Talati. After the survey was conducted a village meeting was scheduled for June 26, 2009. In the meeting the people were made aware about their different rights. It was also made known to them that if they were interested in securing work, they could do so immediately and secure Job Cards later.