Chris Valentino sdb MUMBAI, JULY 6, 2007: It was one big gathering of enthused family members at Don Bosco Provincial House, Mumbai, when eighty-seven
people belonging to the Salesian Family assembled for the “Seminar on Common Identity Card and Common Mission Statement of the Salesian Family.” The gathering had representatives from the Salesians, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Salesian Co-operators, Past Pupils, Volunteers of Don Bosco and Sisters of Mary Immaculate along with their unit delegates.The seminar commenced with an audio-visual prayer moment animated by the very resourceful Fr. Glenn Lowe. This was followed by the official welcome to all the participants by Fr. Michael Fernandes, Provincial of the Mumbai Province. In his address Fr. Michael said, “All of us belong to one family… this is our family… hence we must feel open and welcome to come together, work together for the development of the society, especially the welfare of youngsters.” He invited the participants to a day of fruitful and reflective workshop on the need to think, act and be one family as Don Bosco envisioned his society to be.Fr. Elias Diaz then presented the historical perspective of the development of the Salesian Family from its inception by Don Bosco till date, with a well developed Power Point show.The first part of the seminar, “Common Identit
y Card of the Salesian Family’ was then spelt out with great lucidity and vivacity by Fr. Valerian Pereira, Professor of Salesianity at Divyadaan, Salesian Institute of Philosophy, Nashik. In his exposition Fr. Valerian said, “Don Bosco’s vision and life were shaped by the initial experiences he had as a youngster… he later wished to be a friend and father to the poor and the deprived… and thus began a movement of persons who would be his collaborators in his expedition to create good and honest, upright citizens. We all belong to this family of Don Bosco, drawing inspiration from him, and this is what he gives us our common identity…”The afternoon session was geared to the part of the seminar; ‘Common Mission Statement of the Salesian Family’ dwelt upon by Fr. Wifred D’Souza. He focused on the various aspects of the mission entrusted to the Salesian Family as a unit. He explained all the articles of the document.It was one big memorable family affair with great camaraderie, joviality and enthusiasm as the members interacted with each other and partook of the delicious goodies laid out at table. The Delegate for the Salesian Family, Fr. Elias Diaz, remarked with great joy… “I didn’t expect so many to turn up… they have overshot my estimation by over thirty-five…” He thanked Fr. Provincial for his encouragement and enthusiasm, the Provincial House community and especially Fr. Bernard their hospitality. He also thanked the speakers and all the member of the Salesian Family for their participation despite the heavy rains.