Dennes Fernandes BORIVLI, JULY 6, 2009: The Bombay Catholic Sabha, St. John Bosco Parish Unit had their Annual General Body Meeting and award ceremony on June 28, 2009 in the Don Bosco School Hall after celebration of Holy Eucharist animated by t
he members of the Executive Committee. The proceedings of the evening commenced with Chairperson Mr. Raphael D’Souza, welcoming all gathered, followed by presentation of Annual Report of Activities by Secretary Angela D’Souza, and the presentation of Accounts by Treasurer Mrs. Anju D’Souza. The occasion was graced by Vice President of the Bombay Catholic Sabha, Mrs. Rita D’Sa, Inspector Kumbar and Inspector Awte of the local pol
ice station. The introductory addresses were followed by Ms. Blossom D’Souza being awarded the Model Youth of the year award for her over all personal growth and contribution to various social activities and activities of the parish, the Business women of the year award went to Mrs. Jenny D’Mello, carrying on business as printer and publisher. The presentation of awards was followed by recognitions for meritorious service and outstanding service to society. The Police Station of MHB Colony was recognized for the excellent services rendered by them led by Sr. Inspector of Police Mr. Krishnaji Gaikwad. Then came recognition of an outstanding young priest Rev. Fr. Warner D’Souza, Assistant Priest at Mount Carmel Church, Bandra for his proactive role in inculcating qualities of Active and Responsible Citizenship among the public. The recognition program culminated with honoring Rev. Fr. Alwyn Misquita, the Administrator and Assistant Parish Priest of Don Bosco Institute at Borivli for the transformation of the School and Church complex into an Institute of Complex activity. Speaking on the occasion, President of the Bombay Catholic Sabha, Mr. Dolphy D’Souza, congratulated the Sabha Unit for taking up unique projects of socio-civic relevance and also participating whole heartedly in the programs promoted by the Central Unit. The recognitions and speeches were followed by an entertainment program which comprised of a skit put up by the Youth and the members of the Sabha and games. The evening came to an end with the participants part-taking in the fellowship. The vote of thanks was delivered by Secretary Angela D’Souza. Over 100 members of the Sabha unit were present for the occasion.