Lynette Sequeira BORIVLI, JULY 11, 2009: The elected parent representatives of each class of the Secondary Section of Don Bosco, Borivli, along with the members of the Staff, met for the first time today. The Rector of the Institution, Fr. Ronald Menezes alwa
ys refers to the PTA as the SEC i.e. the Salesian Educative Community, because he believes that the PTA in a Salesian institution functions differently from any other PTA. It is a body which works collectively for the growth and development of the institution. This year, even though the Rector was not present for the meeting, this thought crossed the minds of some of the members of the staff during the course of the meeting. The meeting began with a very meaningful prayer led by one of the teachers, Mrs.Christine Thomas. Our Administrator Fr. Allwyn Misquitta also shared a thought-provoking message with the members of the PTA. The Principal, Fr. George Carlos then shared his vision for the school and how he hoped the newly elected PTA would work together as collaborators, for the welfare of the students and the school as a whole. After this, the Secondary co-ordinator, Mrs. Anjana Mehta helped facilitate the second stage of the meeting. The elected parents were asked to introduce themselves to the group. The parents and teachers then cast their vote in favour of the parent they thought would best suit the task of co-ordinating the work of the PTA for the current academic year. The elected members were Vice-President – Mr. Pravin Agrawal and Joint secretary – Mrs. Perviz Motafram. The newly elected Vice-President and Joint Secretary then briefly add
ressed the entire gathering. The Principal assured the parents that he would always be present to give them a listening ear, whenever they needed to speak to him and asked them not to hesitate if there was a matter that needed his urgent attention. On the other hand the Pre- Primary and Primary section also had the first PTA meeting wherein Mrs. Jacica Lobo was elected as the Primary Vice President and Mrs. Sonali Cheulkar was elected as the Joint Secretary, Mrs. Molita Rodriques and Mr. Dil D'mello were elected as Pre-Primary Vice President and the Joint Secretary respectively. The elections followed a small a fellowship. We hope that the collaborative effort of this year’s Salesian Educative Community bears abundant fruit in the year ahead.