Johnson Bhuria
NASHIK, AUGUST 12, 2009: The Don Bosco Parish Community at Nashik gathered together to venerate Our Lady assumed into heaven by serenading her through a
Marian Academy held on August 10, 2009. The programme which lasted for a whole two hours was meticulously planned and executed by the youth under the guidance of Br. Johnson Bhuriya.
Being Vianney Sunday, Fr. Nelson Falcao, took the opportunity to offer flowers to all the priests who help in the parish, as well as to some of the long standing lay leaders: Mr Robin Susainathan, Mr Rocky D'Souza, and Mr Agnelo D'Souza.
The Divyadaan brothers put up 4 lively dances - Goan mando, Gujarati garba, a North-Eastern Garo dance, and a Tamil war dance. The audience was enthralled as the dances gave a glimpse of the multi-cultural community that is Divyadaan. The senior citizens of Nirmala Home also put up a creative skit, enacting the scene of the Assumption of Our Lady as described in the visions
of Maria Valtorta. The skit depicted the energy and enthusiasm of the seniors. It was wonderful to see also all the communities of the parish putting up well-prepared and rehearsed items. The STI novices staged an imaginative 'vocation story' item modelled on the call of Our Lady. The SHTC novices staged two scenes from the life of Blessed Maria Romero, FMA, a devotee of Our Lady. The catechism children also proved their mettle by staging a skit. Fr. Ivo delivered the vote of thanks. The theme of the Academy was Mary Knows the Way, Shows the Way. And the Way is, of course, Jesus.
NASHIK, AUGUST 12, 2009: The Don Bosco Parish Community at Nashik gathered together to venerate Our Lady assumed into heaven by serenading her through a

Being Vianney Sunday, Fr. Nelson Falcao, took the opportunity to offer flowers to all the priests who help in the parish, as well as to some of the long standing lay leaders: Mr Robin Susainathan, Mr Rocky D'Souza, and Mr Agnelo D'Souza.
The Divyadaan brothers put up 4 lively dances - Goan mando, Gujarati garba, a North-Eastern Garo dance, and a Tamil war dance. The audience was enthralled as the dances gave a glimpse of the multi-cultural community that is Divyadaan. The senior citizens of Nirmala Home also put up a creative skit, enacting the scene of the Assumption of Our Lady as described in the visions